Mini Union Jack

The Union Flag, or Union Jack, is the national flag of the United Kingdom. The flag has already been in the public domain worldwide, and widely adopted in many modern commercial designs. It is the symbol of Britain, and according to the note, Union Jack is one of the 100 most-used files on the English Wikipedia.

For the purpose of creating a most recognizable VI icon for Made in the UK branding, we introduce the concept of “Mini Union Jack“, which simplifies the Union Jack to the minimum level in size, while maintaining its identifiability as part of the original Union Jack.

Magic Number “0.39”

By default design the Mini Union Jack is exactly 39% of original Union Jack in size. Taking the standard 1200×600 Union Jack file for example, first cutting it to half you get a 1200×300 file; then by calculation you get the width of Mini Union Jack as 600×0.39=234. By cutting the file again from the top you get the final image of Mini Union Jack in size of 1200×234.


The colour of Mini Union Jack is derived from the original Union Jack:

■  red RGB 200 16 46 Pantone 186 C
 ■  blue RGB 1 33 105 Pantone 280 C
 ■  white RGB 255 255 255


The final work of Made in the UK mark can be found on page: Mark “Made in the UK”.